Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Looking Forward as a Writer

I know its a bit early to begin the talk of the New Years and setting writing goals. But, as I review my success and failures from the past year, my mind is focused on where I will go and what I will do in the coming year. I hope I have learned from my mistakes and grown as a writer over the course of the past year--but even more, I hope that I will grow and learn infinitely more in the upcoming year.

I've learned that writing isn't about stringing together words or finding those elusive high paying keywords. It isn't about my Google ranking. It isn't even about getting paid to do what I do best. Its more than that.

Writing is about finding the courage to announce to the world "I am here." Its about not worrying if the grammar Nazi locates my missing commas, or if the perennial expert who lurks in the shadows of cyberland would have said it differently or written a better introduction. Writing isn't about them. It's about me and its about you. It's about finding the courage to say, "Yes, this is who I am." and not worrying about who is better or worse at the craft.

With that in mind, I have set my first New Year's Resolution as a writer. I'll be honest. This is new for me. Typically, I follow where ever the wind may blow--seeking opportunities as they arise. But this year is different. I know where I want to go.

This year, I will seek out opportunities to write the things that are important to me. I will let go of the notion that to find success I must provide what others seek. I will embrace the knowledge that what I have to say is important--that is is valuable--and that there are others out there eager to hear what I have to say.

Won't you join me in my journey?

1 comment:

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