Thursday, April 14, 2011

A to Z Blogging Challenge: K is for Know Your Audience

K is for Know Your Audience

We've all been told how important it is to Know your audience, but some new writers make the mistake of thinking they have "one" audience and that everything they write should be geared towards this imagined audience. This simply isn't true. Each piece, unless you are writing a column or a blog geared toward a specific group of people, has its own audience. I write on a variety of topics from gardening to the paranormal. Each niche has its own audience.

Its okay to write for multiple audiences, in fact, it can be a lot of fun. Just keep in mind the audience you are writing for at the moment and gear your work to meet their interests and their needs.

1 comment:

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

Glad to "meet",

please visit

http;// to see if you are interested in writing book reviews for us on gardening...

one post every other week..

send email for inquiry...

we support bloggers.